
    Second grade students will have some homework.  Every night students will be required to read a minimum of 10 minutes per night.  They will also need to return  the signed planner each morning. The actual planner must be signed or the student will not receive their incentive. Notes will not be accepted.  The signed planner is crucial for developing responsibility within your child. Physically bringing the planner each day develops a deep sense of responsibility. Doing something sixteen times in a row creates a habit. Help your child develop a healthy habit of bringing home their planner and returning it each day. Students who read for 15 minutes per night will get a small piece of candy to eat at morning snack. If they read and return their planner they will get an incentive sticker. Incentive stickers can be redeemed for a variety of prizes. I will also be sending home math two or three times per week. The assignment or game should take between 5 and 10 minutes. If it is taking longer, please let me know and I will make accommodations for your child. The math game or assignment will be in a math homework folder. Completed math assignments will also earn students an incentive sticker! I feel strongly about working on math and reading each night because it is simply how you become better at anything. I always ask the child if they play a video game once in awhile are they an expert at that video game? Probably not. The more you do something the better you get! The children who read each night make HUGE gains in reading during the year.

Why can't I skip my nightly reading?
