Second Grade Math

    Math is a crucial subject in every grade for each student to master. This year I will be using the "Kathy Richardson" approach in addition to our school textbook (Harcourt Math) to create greater mathematical understanding within the second graders. The Kathy Richardson resources put an emphasis on students actually "doing" mathematics with a strong hands on approach. More information about Kathy Richardson is available at:

The students will have the opportunity to develop their own strategies to solve problems. When students are able to develop their own strategies to solve problems they will better remember how to solve the problems in the future. Research indicates that students learn best by doing. Thus, I have chosen to have a more activities based classroom. Parents can expect to see less worksheets coming home. More of the work we do within the class will involve working with patterns and manipulatives while solving word problem. Much of the work coming home will reflect work generated from activities we have done in class. Please contact me with any questions about the way we do math.  It is different from when you and I were in school. If time permits I welcome you to schedule a day when you can come and observe what we are doing in math.  I will keep you updated about the progress of your child in math.

I know that this is very different from the way we learned math in school. I find it important for students to find their own way to do their math problems. You may have the "urge" to teach them the "right" way to do the math problems because it seems quicker and easier. I encourage you to wait it out and refrain from teaching them a way that is different from how we are doing it in class. We will get there eventually when the students have an adequate understanding. I appreciate your help with this manner.

Basic Facts


First of all I am always asked, "Do kids need to know their basic facts anymore?" The answer to that is "YES!" Basic facts are still important in mathematics. Unfortunately the biggest problem that I run into is teaching these with basic facts with understanding.  We do practice, but students really need more time to practice at home to ensure that they know the facts automatically. You were all in school once and you remember how much easier it was when you knew your facts to solve tougher problems.
